Wednesday 7 March 2012

Take the beach to your house

There’s something about the waters edge that the human spirit needs to replenish the soul. Where you find the waters edge their usually a beach near by with a cool breeze and soothing sound of water smashing up against the shore. These surroundings always find people around relaxing and taking some time out to relax and rejuvenate.

We all know you cant take the beach to your house or your wife will never stop nagging you about the sand getting everywhere in the house. Never fear though their is a solution to this problem. A hand painted mural is the next best thing.
A mural in your home have become the latest tactic for adding life and a unique design to your home. Such a highly detailed mural can offer a depth to your walls that can not be surpassed. People with high imaginations usually children and older folks tend to have this, well they will enjoy diving into the creativity and their imagination with this great mural.

With the talented team of Toronto Muralists our innovations and talent offer tremendous detail with out explanation. Any minute detail or unique concept can be expressed through our murals.

Any beach your looking for can be achieved whether it be a Caribbean style beach or the tropical beaches of Hawaii. Just think of the money you will save when you plan on taking your next vacation. Then you realize I dont need to go on a vacation there’s a beach in my living room

Thursday 1 March 2012

Awesome food art

Check out this really creative food art. It takes a unique perspective to be able to see art and shapes and figures in this type of medium. The way these foods are created is of many different style. Some are of sculpting into the piece to have it be its own object, or some ways are to draw into it as a relief. They also use the natural elements of the food to their advantages.

There are examples of some food aluminum can art that is fundamentally shapes being assembled in a way as to create a figure or object.
When you talk about food art you cant leave out cakes. Cakes have taken on a life of their own when it comes to art. There almost isn’t anything that you cant do with cakes. The fact that TV has made a few shows about cake art is also a huge support for this movement.

Whether it is icing on your cake or the icing on the wall of your freshly painted wall mural. Art is a key component to making these projects a huge success.